Tuesday, June 1, 2010

KSL News Radio interview with Grant and Amanda

Obama Administration calls Fox an arm of the Republican Party
Plus, is the DOW going over 10,000?
October 12th, 2009 @ 6:01am
ABC Political Guru Steve Roberts weighed in this morning on the statement by the White House Communications Director that Fox News is basically an arm of the Republican Party. Steve says the Obama administration may not be used to critical coverage after the easy ride they received during the campaign. Steve also mentioned a great political cartoon that sums up the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama. It shows a race official putting a medal around the president's neck before the race begins and telling him to have a good race. Click here to hear more from Steve.
The DOW is flirting with 10,000 again today. Is that an indication that businesses will start hiring again? "No," says financial advisor Gary Gygi. That will require more business friendly government practices. Gary did say that there is something psychological to going over the 10,000 - at least for investors. Click here to hear more from Gary.

1 comment:

  1. A little old but interesting in light of the current struggles the economy is having in lowering the unemployment rate.
